Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Why is it that no matter how many times I volunteer to help, no one takes me up on it?  If I volunteer, I have the time!!!  If I don't volunteer, there's a very good reason for it!!!  I know I have a lot on my "plate" with Brian being gone and having 5 children at home.  But really, sometimes I'd like to get off my plate and help with someone else's.  I can't do "Mom" 24/7/365.  I *need* a break once in awhile from my real life.
Thank you Julie for letting me help with the up-coming activity!!!  I actually feel like my talents and abilities are being put to good use.
Thank you Sister E. for not telling your husband that I have too much on my plate to help with the cannery assignment.  I'm looking forward to serving!!
What is that quote?  Something like "Forget yourself and go to work."  I need that sometimes.  I know I am a selfish person.  I like my time and space.  I like doing what I want to do when I want to do it.  And yet, at the same time, I will do almost anything for almost anyone (there are a few notable exceptions to the "anything" part).  I like being helpful.  I like making people happy.  "I'm a people-pleaser, people!"  (10 points if you know the movie that quote is from!)
"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the service of your God"
With all of that being said, why is it so much harder to *want* to please those closest to you?  Why is it that when my children ask for my help I often view it as trivial?  I know the answer, because I'm selfish.  When I'm at home, I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it.  When I'm in the middle of reading an email, I really don't want to stop to look at the picture my 5 year old drew or watch a video clip that my 13 year old just put together with his stop-motion movies.  When I'm reading a book, I really don't want to stop to read a different book to a child.  Unless it's in the morning and I'm reading scriptures.  Isabeau often wakes up and comes out to the kitchen.  Then I love to have her sit on my lap and I read out loud to her.  Why is it so different in the middle of the day?
These are all questions I ask myself.  I'm not really looking for answers from someone else.  I need to find the answers for myself.
Wow, this post took a really drastic turn from where I started.  I started just to vent about people ignoring my offers of help.  And look where it took me!!  An introspective look at the contradictions in my actions.  I'm willing to give but not so much if it's my family.  Ugh.  Just one more thing about myself that is in direct conflict to what I believe and try to live.  I'm not sure this blog is being very helpful.  I keep finding more things to work on.  LOL    I'm going to bed now.  Tomorrow I start working on being less selfish with my family.  One step at a time.  Better tomorrow than I was today.  Better tomorrow than I was today.  Better tomorrow..........

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