Brian sent me an email this morning. He is very down right now, really struggling with even being there anymore. He said his day starts ok but by lunch he's just done. Done being away from the family, done working over there, just done. I've been struggling the past 2 weeks, too. I don't worry too much about myself because I have the children to keep me busy and away from the brink of insanity. Mostly. But he just has to deal with it 24/7. :-( I wish there was something I could do. We just have 2 1/2 weeks until he comes home. I know he'll hang on that long but he's really going to struggle every day.
He is just getting a new project underway. He said in his email that he is looking at coming home once it is finished and not going back. That would be about a month after his 3 week leave. As much as I want him home, I don't know what we would do financially. There is so little work around here which is why he's over there!! I told him that would be okay (stressful but we would figure it out) but we need to really pray about it. Heavenly Father may have a different plan. Brian *is* the branch president there, Heavenly Father must want him there. :-) We'll reevaluate once this project is nearing completion and see what we're going to do.
I really think that he would be okay if he had come home on the normal 12 week schedule. I think it's this extension that is getting to him. He would be home right now if he had come home at 12 weeks. But there's a little thing called high school graduation that he needs to be home for in a couple of weeks. We didn't think 4 weeks more would be that big of a deal. Evidently, it is.
If you could take a moment and include him in your prayers, we would really appreciate it!!